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   Make A Donation to United Reformed Church

To make a donation, please click on the yellow "donate" button below. If you are making a donation for something specific, please write a brief description in the note box to ensure your donation is allocated appropriately.  If you are making a general donation or submitting your pledge, please specify as to how you would like your funds to be allocated in the note box.  Thank you in advance for supporting the work of our church. Your generosity is greatly appreciated.  




Stewardship and Pledging

Becoming a steward of United Reformed Church ensures that all the things you look forward to: that hour on Sunday mornings thinking about your faith, sitting in a sanctuary with beautiful historic stained glass windows, listening to the choir sing, Fellowship Hour, seeing those friends you usually only see on Sundays, the joy and anticipation of the Central Jersey Twelfth Night  - Boar's Head Festival, the Raritan Ringers, the Maundy Thursday Supper, the Bunco Nights, the Sundae Sundays - the chance to lift up your heart together with others -all of this exists because of you!

It would be impossible for United Reformed Church to exist if many of our members and faithful friends did not commit to an annual pledge. It is stewardship that allows us to make a budget and plan for the coming year. Whether you’re an above-and-beyond donor, or may be pledging for the first time, your gift to the church’s ministry is the key to our mission -to love all and serve all. We have proven that we are a giving congregation by providing generous donations of food year-round; by supporting programs that feed the hungry, clothe those less fortunate and by just offering grace to new visitors. Giving in the manner that you do does not just happen. It is the result of caring about something that is important to you. You don't have to be a member to pledge!